Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mr. Lefty

So poor Chad had a really good day at work until he got home. Our dog Linna had pooped in the house AGAIN! So she ran to the laundry room cause she knew she was in trouble. Chad cleaned up the mess and went to the laundry room to let her outside and he reached down and she bit him on his right hand. He now has a big gash and a gapping hole in his hand. He cant really move his index finger or his middle finger. The doctor said the swelling is probably making it do that so once it goes down it should be ok. They cant close the hole cause it would get infected and they would end up just reopening it anyway. So now chad has a cute purple bandage on his right hand. :) and as we all know, that is his favorite color. Anyone needing a one handed electrician? Half off on pricing!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


We went to Colorado for 9 days and got back on Sunday. It was a nice relaxing trip to say the least. Chads parents live in Del Norte Colorado. It is in the southern part of Colorado. It is very beautiful there and the weather was fantastic. I dont think it got over 85 the whole time we were there. I was glad to come home to my own bed though.

We all had a good time. Chad's brother and his wife live there too. His brother is a Sergeant with the Rio Grande County Sheriffs department down there. He takes us for ride alongs but not much goes on in that tiny town, at least not when we're there. The kids all had fun. We went to the gator farm and they have a hot springs there. They made a swimming pool out of it. It is really nice. We went shopping, the kids were little antique store regulars and I think we saw each of them at least twice! We did some ghost hunting while there and visited some very old cemetaries by the light of a flash light and flash bulb. We also went horse back riding and the views were amazing, Hayden kept saying it was like a "green screen" I think he meaning that it looked fake because it was so beautiful. They both were little naturals on the horses and looked so cute riding. We went and saw The Dark Knight with Chad's brother and sister in law on our last night there, It was a really good movie. I think the kids really enjoyed spending our money. LOL!
It was really nice to be able to see Chads parents. We really miss them. I found out alot about my Mother in Law. She has had Colon Cancer, Breast Cancer, A triple Bypass and is a Diabetic. She is a miracle to say the least. When she had colon cancer they had her do Chemo and almost killed her on her 4th visit. They gave her a double dose of the chemo or poison and the doctor never even showed up to see how she was doing. She spent christmas and new years in the hospital that year. So when she got breast cancer she said its Radiation or nothing. So she did that and is doing great. Its funny cause she looks younger now than she did 8 years ago. Chads Dad is doing ok. He doesnt have any motivation to do anything. I know it is hard when you only have one lung and have to carry oxygen every where you go but we thought he would do more with us since we were there than just go to Wal Mart but it was still nice to see him.

The Alligator farm was disgusting but pretty cool. The water they swim in is part of the hot springs up there so it is warm all year round even in the winter. They have pics of the Alligators in snow. Its pretty crazy.

Brooke was kind enough to house sit for us and watch our dogs and we really appreciated it. I was sure to give her some money and buy her a few things while we were there. I hope she knows that I think she is an awesome sister and that I love her alot.

It was a long drive home and when we got home the dogs were very excited to see us. Moose, our rottweiler had pulled out some of Chads dirty clothes in the Laudry room and was sleeping on them. He loves Chad!!! It was nice to be home but not nice to go to work. I think it should be a law that when we go on vacation our work should do the same! I didnt want to come back to the heat, but it's nice to be back in the city.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Quick note.

Chad just bought a new car! Its an Isuzu rodeo. He likes it. I cut my hair to my shoulders a couple of days ago. I think it is pretty cute. Tomorrow we are heading out of town. We are going to Colorado to visit with Chad's parents. His Dad, who only has one lung that has emphyzyma in it is not doing very well. He was told 10 years ago when he lost his lung due to cancer that he would not live longer than a year or 2. But here we are 10 years later and he is still kickin. They found out a couple of months ago that he is diabetic and he is not doing very well. He may loose a foot and his health has been declining. So we decided to go for a visit. It will be nice to see his mom and Dad and his older Brother who lives there. Hayden and Hannah are excited and I am just glad we have a portable DVD player to keep them entertained most of the way. We have XM radio to listen to. I was lucky to get this time off since I just started a new job but I was sure to let them know that this was a trip that I needed to go on cause it may be the last time we see Chad's Dad and we want it to be fun with him. We cant wait to go. It should be lots of fun. Chad's brother is a Sheriff and he can take us to all the places that they say are haunted and we can take pictures of these places and see what kind of mists or orbs we see. I will have the video camera as well so it will be interesting what we find. Whatever we get I will be sure to post so everyone can see as well.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

About Us

Chad is an electrical foreman and sometimes serves as an apprenticeship instructor at Salt Lake Community College but is currently taking a break from that. He has 2 wonderful kids that he brought with him when we were married. Hayden and Hannah. They live with their mom in Price but we see them every other weekend. They are terrific kids. Hayden is 11 and Hannah is 9. DeEtte is a software support receptionist at a company called Bill Good Marketing. Part time she is working with her dad as a security gaurd on the weekends. We are also amature ghost hunters in our spare time, we have got some really good pics of some very strange things, it's something the whole family gets into. Right now we dont have any kids of our own. We are just enjoying each other and our four furry ones, and hopefully one day we will maybe have a little one running around. I just need to convince Chad first.